Act Quickly! The longer the delay, the higher the probability of a spill becominga permanent stain. Use a white cotton cloth, gently wipe with water and Marseille soap,rinse and dab. Restore the fleece in the original direction.Attention: for viscose and bamboo rugs, the contact with water can cause irreparabledamage; we recommend the use of an acetic or citric solution in small quantities, soas not to cause the fibers to yellow. Avoid rubbing; dab gently to avoid tearing thefibers and causing permanent damage. In the event of a spill, cover the stain with awhite paper towel and tap until all excess moisture is absorbed by the towel. Repeatthe operation for at least 5 minutes making sure to absorb all the moisture from theedge of the stain to the center, thus preventing it from spreading. Repeat theoperation with a slightly moistened paper towel to dilute any residue. Finally, makesure that the stained part dries as quickly as possible, by ventilating the room orhanging the carpet inside. Once it’s dry, restore the fleece in the original directionwith the use of a soft bristle brush.